Mental toughness training for a speedy recovery

Sometimes pain lasts longer than it should! After an injury, your body goes through a physical recovery period, which, depending on the severity of the injury, can last months (if not years!). The longer you are in pain or discomfort, the more tricks your mind can play on you. Can I push harder? Should I do that exercise? What if it hurts? All of these questions keep your mind from allowing you to get back to your pre-injury exercise level. In addition, the stress of participating in the same exercise where your injury occurred can keep you sidelined longer than needed. Think about returning to “scene of the crime,” that one sharp cut that blew out your knee. By avoiding the scene of the crime, we “accidently” stay in our injured mindset and are unable to fully recover. The good news? Retraining your brain to process pain differently as well as to take control of your recovery is possible! Dr. Doug specializes in helping athletes of all levels take control of their recovery and get back to the sport they love!

Contact Dr. Doug today for a free consultation!